The countdown is on for Christmas! Many of us will be planning to get those Christmas decorations up (if they’re not already up!) in the coming weeks. It does feel like this activity starts earlier each year!
Whilst for many getting up the decorations is a fun activity our chiropractors want to remind everyone that there is a lot of lifting, carrying and stretching involved. All of these activities can put a strain on your back, which can lead to back pain, especially if not done correctly.
To keep your back safe we suggest you remind yourself of good techniques to use to keep your back safe when lifting and carrying by watching the lifting and carrying video on our Pain Prevention page. Yes we know the person is lifting heavy slabs and doing gardening but the techniques are the same whether you are lifting your Christmas tree into the car or carrying a box of decorations!
At some point you may need to get up a ladder – make sure to use your ladder safely and you may want to ask someone to hold the ladder for you. You ‘ll find some excellent advice on the DIY video on our Pain Prevention page for keeping your back safe when using a ladder. It even includes some stretching advice you can fit in during your Christmas decorating!
Keep you back safe and have fun from our team at City Chiropractic Clinic in Stoke.