If you haven’t already considered making a healthier back your resolution for 2022, it’s not too late.
The health of your back is an important part of your overall health and wellness, so one way to ensure that you have the best possible year would be to invest some time into taking care of it. Our chiropractors at City Chiropractic Clinic in Stoke know that, as people age, they are more likely to experience issues with their backs due to fatigue, joint deterioration over time, or because of natural wear and tear that occurs as people get older. If you are experiencing issues now or have in the past, then there are steps that you can take today to help improve – and even prevent – problems from occurring later down the road.
Our Stoke chiropractor has put together several tips to help you keep your back in tip top health this coming year and beyond.
10 Tips For A Healthier Back
TIP #1: Ensure good posture while sitting.
Slouching is a major culprit of poor posture, so sitting up straight with your shoulders back will help you maintain a healthy spine. You can also try using a pillow or rolled-up towel behind your lower back to keep it from slouching forward when sitting. If you’re seated for long periods of time, it’s best to take periodic breaks and stand up to stretch.
TIP #2: Regularly exercise to improve your flexibility and strength.
As you age, you lose muscle mass which leads to less elasticity in your joints as well as decreased overall strength from having weaker muscles. Exercising on a regular basis can help ensure that those muscle fibres remain strong as well as give the joints the support they need to remain supple and healthy. Exercise also increases your body’s range of motion as well as its overall stamina, both of which will help you feel better throughout the day.
TIP #3: Do not neglect your core muscles.
The core muscles are a group of muscles that run from your ribcage to your hips and keep everything in line and working properly. If your core muscles are weak then it can lead to issues with posture and balance that can negatively impact how you feel every single day. One way to strengthen them is by doing crunches, but weight training exercises targeting these muscles is always a good idea for ensuring they continue to grow stronger over time.
TIP #4: Get enough sleep.
Your body needs sleep to stay healthy and recover from the daily activities that it performs, but when you’re not getting enough of it then your back can be affected. If you find yourself waking with back pain it may be worth checking your mattress. If your mattress is over 8 years old, it may be time for an upgrade.
TIP #5: Take note of your sleeping position and environment.
Sleeping on your stomach with your head turned to the side places an unnecessary amount of strain on both your neck and lower spine, so avoiding this type of position is always a good idea. Sleeping on your side is always a good idea, and if you experience pain or discomfort in your lower back then sleeping with a pillow between your knees could help prevent this problem from re-occurring after waking up
TIP #6: Maintain proper hydration levels.
Most of the body’s major systems rely on water to function optimally and this includes the spine. Therefore, ensuring your body is well hydrated is important for your overall health and that of your spine. Keep your water (or fluid) intake up through out the day by drinking 6 – 8 glasses of water.
TIP #7: Try yoga.
Yoga focuses on maintaining an inner balance between body and mind, and it can help relieve tension and stress. It also helps keep the muscles flexible as well as strong enough to maintain good posture, and it can help alleviate back pain before it becomes a serious issue.
TIP #8: Stretch before starting any task.
Stretching ensures that your muscles are ready for all the activity they’ll be doing throughout the day, plus it also helps prevent muscle cramps which can potentially worsen existing pain. Spending five – ten minutes doing some simple stretches when you get out of bed will help set you up for the day. Remember to stretch before starting any exercise and then another five minutes after completing these activities to ensure that your muscles return to their normal state.
TIP #9: Get rewarded for good behaviour with a massage.
Think about it – if you’re trying to achieve a goal but there are no incentives or rewards to look forward to then you might not be as motivated to continue sticking with your regime. Consider having a massage as a reward. Not only can a massage help you feel more relaxed, but massage therapy also has both physiological and psychological effects which help alleviate long held tension in your muscles.
TIP #10: Visit our Stoke Chiropractors
Due to the success of Chiropractic care for the treatment of back pain, Chiropractic is often known for its treatment of backs and chiropractic treatment aims to improve and maximise spinal joint function.
Our chiropractors at City Chiropractic Clinic in Stoke are experts at assessing the function of joints and pay particular attention to the joint of the spine. When you visit our clinic, your chiropractor will undertake a Consultation. Examination and Digital Posture Analysis to assess the health of your spine and will be able to advice you on a plan to ensure your spine is in as good health as possible.
You can contact our clinic on 01782 848 184 to discuss how our chiropractic team can help you.
REMEMBER! Your back needs regular attention in order to remain healthy, so incorporating daily habits into your life will help ensure that you have a healthier back for years to come.