Wintertime under foot can be quite treacherous and can result in increased number if slips, trips and falls. While snow and ice are obvious hazards, wet paths and fallen leaves can be equally slippery.
Being extra vigilant at this time of the year to avoid slips, trips and falls is advisable. However, this year with various NHS strikes planned and health officials and government issuing warnings of the pressure being put on the health service, taking extra caution is most certainly advisable.
With this being the case, our Stoke chiropractors have put together seven tips to help you avoid slips, trips and falls outdoors this winter.
However, when the weather is bad and you don’t need to go anywhere, the best advice is to stay inside!
Avoid slips, trips and falls outdoors this winter
#1 Footwear
Wearing good fitting, ‘weather’ appropriate footwear is a must. To give you the most stability, especially on slippery surfaces, and lessen the chance of a slip, trip or fall, your boots or shoes should:
- Fit you well, offer good support and be as lightweight as possible
- Have soles that provide a good grip with slip resistant soles
- Have low, wide heels for grip and stability
#2 Wear Gloves
Wear gloves to keep your hands warm so that you don’t have to keep your hands in your pockets. If you should find yourself slipping, then your hands are free and can help you regain your balance. Also, if you do find yourself falling then gloves may protect your hands from cuts, scrapes and bruises.
#3 Watch where you step
It’s important to be able to see the ground in front and ahead of you to avoid hazards or obstacles like ice patches or slippery leaves. Avoid carrying bulky items that will prevent you from watching where you are stepping. Ask for help with bulky packages or make multiple trips to keep yourself safe.
# 4 Put the mobile away
It’s easy to get distracted and, let’s admit it, our mobiles can be one of the biggest distractions. You need to keep your wits about you, so put the mobile away while you are walking and keep your eyes on where you are stepping.
#5 Use walking aids
If you are unsure on your feet then use a walking aid such as a stick, cane or walker to give yourself extra stability. Use handrails wherever they are provided.
#5 Plan ahead and take your time
Check the weather conditions before you set out. Give yourself plenty of time to get to where you are going. Rushing can often lead to accidents.
Walk slowly and take small steps which will help you keep your balance. Some walking surfaces can be more slippery than others, seek surfaces that provide more grip to walk on. Walking on a grass verge, for example, may help prevent you slipping.
#6 Take extra care getting in and out of a vehicle
If you’re travelling in a vehicle, check the area where you are about to park to make sure the ground is clear around it. To gain more stability when getting out of the vehicle, swing both legs out and plant both feet onto the ground before standing up. Use the vehicle for support when getting in and out of it.
#7 Wipe Your Feet
When you do enter a building, remember to wipe your feet to remove as much water or snow from your footwear to reduce the chance of slipping when you are indoors.
Visiting Our Stoke Chiropractors
Please be very careful, this winter, as you get out and about. We hope that following the above seven tips that our chiropractors have suggested will help you prevent a slip, trip or fall.
At City Chiropractic Clinic in Stoke our chiropractors treat a range of conditions that affect the back, neck, head, shoulders, arms and legs. If you are suffering pain or discomfort in any of these areas, our chiropractors are here to help you.
To book an appointment, call our team on 01782 848 184 or you can book an appointment on our website here.