We love Summer and everything about it here at our chiropractic clinic in Stoke of Trent. Those long hazy days that make everyone seem in such good spirits… those bright mornings when you’re full of zest getting out of bed… the abundance of fresh produce to make health giving meals…
We love it!
Now don’t worry; we haven’t skipped forward a few months – we know we are not in the sizzling season just yet, but we are aware that it won’t be too long before most of you will want to be fit and health ready for those long and fun-packed summer days.
With that in mind, we have compiled a list of three super foods that will help to boost your health in time for summer:
1: Corn
Did you know that fresh sweetcorn has two important antioxidants that can help to create macular pigment that filters out some of the sun’s skin-damaging rays?
2: Tart Cherries
Tart cherries produce a wealth of benefits including helping to achieve a better night’s sleep and reducing those post-workout aches and pains. It is also thought that the compounds in this food can aid slimming.
3. Watermelon
Staying hydrated will not only help your body to keep cool in the hot summer months but it can also help to keep your memory focused and your mood stable. Everyone knows the enormity of health benefits that water brings, so it make sense to eat a food that is 92% water (hence the name)! It also helps that watermelons are incredibly delicious and refreshing!
Here’s to a healthy and happy summer season!