Top Tips For A Healthy Winter

The Winter months can be harsh on our bodies. It’s certainly a time when our bodies have to be ready to fight off colds and bugs. Therefore, to make sure we stay healthy it’s important our bodies are ready and prepared.

There are things that we can all do to help prepare for the winter months and our chiropractors at City Chiropractic Clinic in Stoke have put together their top tips here.

1. Eat a healthy breakfast: A warm bowl of porridge will set you up for the day. Avoid adding dairy and sugar and replace by using either water or a non diary milk like almond or coconut and tops with fruit. Add nuts too for extra protein.

2. Eat plenty of fruit and veg: Keep your 5 a day up during the winter months. Roasting and mashing root vegetables gives you plenty of alternative ways to prepare your veggies. They are also great for adding to soups and casseroles. Keep up your Vitamin C intake by eating fruits – satsumas and clementines are great at this time of the year.

3. Keep exercising and spend time outdoors: It’s easy to slip off taking regular exercise when it’s cold outside but exercise is so beneficial for us – it lifts our mood and boosts our immune system and getting out of doors certainly blows away the cobwebs!

Get Winter ready and follow these great tips from our chiropractors for a healthy winter.