Understanding Knee Pain

knee pain being treated in stoke clinicThe knee is a complex joint that contains bones, cartilage, ligaments, and tendons. It is very easy to injure the knee as any unnatural twisting motion can cause dislocation, soft tissue tears, and sprains. It is also often affected by inflammation, arthritis, and overuse injuries.

Many of the people who visit our clinic, City Chiropractic in Stoke on Trent,  do so to obtain treatment for knee problems. Chiropractors can assess the condition of the knees before devising a holistic treatment plan. This plan usually includes a combination of chiropractic treatments, physical exercise and lifestyle adaptations, with the goal of alleviating knee pain and restoring mobility.

In this post, our Stoke chiro is going to outline the components of the knee and highlight the common causes of knee pain.


What Are The Components Of The Knee?

The knee is the largest joint in the human body. Unfortunately, its complex design makes it one of the easiest joints to injure. It contains:

  1. Bones
    The knee joint is formed by the meeting of three bones, the shinbone (tibia), kneecap (patella), and thighbone (femur)
  2. Tendons
    Tendons are pieces of fibrous connective tissue which joins muscles to bone. The tendons in the knee connect the muscles in thigh and shinbone with the patella.
  3. Articular cartilage
    Cartilage is a slippery substance which acts as lubrication between the bones in the joints. The knee has articular cartilage at the ends of the tibia and femur, as well as the back of the patella.
  4. Meniscus
    The knee contain two pieces of meniscal cartilage. They are thin wedged-shaped pieces of cartilage, which are tougher than articular cartilage. The meniscus acts as shock absorbers between the femur and tibia. Meniscus tears are very common and it not infrequent that sportspeople will visit our chiropractic clinic in Stoke on Trent for treatment for this condition.
  5. Ligaments
    Ligaments connect bones with one another. There are four main ligaments in the knee, including collateral ligaments (sides of knee) and cruciate ligaments (inside the knee joint).


What Are The Common Causes Of Knee Pain?

With so many components in the knee, it’s no wonder that it is prone to injuries and other issues. The most common knee complaints which cause are:

Knee Injuries

Injuries affecting the knee include:

  • Bone Fractures
    Fractures affecting the patellar, distal femur (thighbone) and proximal tibia (shinbone) are common injuries.
  • Dislocation
    Dislocation occurs when one of the bones in the knee is pushed out of place. This is usually a result of trauma but can be caused by an abnormality in the bone structure of the knee.
  • Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injuries
    This condition often affects sportspeople. It typically occurs when a person has attempted to change direction quickly while moving, causing the ACL to become strained or torn.
  • Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL) Injuries
    This type of injury usually occurs when a bent knee is struck from the front.
  • Collateral Ligament Injuries
    Collateral Ligament Injuries are usually a result of the knee being pushed sideways as a result of heavy contact. They are less common than ACL, PCL or meniscus injuries.
  • Meniscal Tears
    Meniscal Tears are fairly common in sports and occur when twisting or pivoting on the knee.
  • Tendon Tears
    When a significant amount of force is placed on the knee, quadriceps and patellar tendons can become torn.



Arthritis often affects the knee joints. These are common forms of arthritis:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis
    Caused by an inflammatory condition, this is the most severe type of arthritis.
  • Osteoarthritis
    Osteoarthritis causes the cartilage in the knee to deteriorate, which allows the bones in the knee to rub on one another.
  • Gout
    Gout occurs when uric acid crystals build up in the joints. It can be quite a painful condition, but one that responds well to treatment.


Mechanical Issues Affecting The Knee

Mechanical problems within the knee and other parts of the body can cause knee pain. The most common mechanical issues we see at the clinic include:

  • Dislocated kneecaps
    Usually a result of a sporting collision or accident
  • Postural issues
    If a person’s poor posture has begun to affect their gait, it can lead to knee pain.
  • Foot or hip problems
    Both foot and hip issues can also impact a person’s gait and cause knee pain.
  • Loose body
    If a person’s knee has begun to degenerate, a fragment of cartilage or bone may have detached. This fragment can impact knee function and cause pain.


Visiting our Stoke on Trent chiropractic clinic with knee pain

Chiropractic treatment aims to improve and maximize joint function. Our chiropractors at City Chiropractic Clinic in Stoke on Trent are experts in the diagnosis and treatment of joint dysfunction. When you visit our clinic, the chiropractor will take a detailed history of your condition and perform a thorough examination to ascertain the course of your symptoms.

Our chiropractor will not only assess the function of your knee but may also examine your  foot, hip and pelvis to make a thorough diagnosis and ensure the cause of your knee pain is addressed and not just the symptoms.

After making a diagnosis and confirming that chiropractic treatment is appropriate for your condition, your chiropractor may use techniques such as massage, mobilisation, manipulation, Activator and taping together with recommending exercises to help address muscle imbalances and help to prevent recurrence.

To book an appointment with an experienced Chiropractor in Stoke on Trent call City Chiropractic on 01782 848 184 today.