Health On A Budget At City Chiropractic Stoke


At City Chiropractic Clinic we are convinced that a small amount of your time and money to care for your most important asset–your health–will be far less time consuming and expensive than trying to recover it. If you feel you do not have enough time or money to take care of yourself, please contact us–we can help!

All too often we have people just like you come to our clinic in crisis. So please, we would like to encourage you to take your health very seriously. As the old saying goes, if you don’t have your health, you don’t have anything. Unfortunately, too many people don’t discover how true that statement is until it is too late.


Chiropractic Prices



Your chiropractor will take a very thorough history about your condition, your past medical history and your lifestyle.



The examination will include a full chiropractic, orthopaedic and neurological examination.

Digital Posture Analysis

£30 - £35

We use the latest digital technology to accurately assess your posture

Treatment (Adult)

£42 - £47

Each patient has a personal treatment plan which normally falls into 3 phases (read more here: What to expect).

Treatment (Student/Child)

£35 - £40

Each patient has a personal treatment plan which normally falls into 3 phases (read more here: What to expect).



X-ray (1 plate)

£55 - £60

We have digital X-ray facilities at our Newcastle clinic and once your X-rays are taken they are developed promptly and sent to the Stoke clinic.

X-ray (2 plates)

£80 - £85

We have digital X-ray facilities at our Newcastle clinic and once your X-rays are taken they are developed promptly and sent to the Stoke clinic.

Care Packages

For all people in various stages of their care we also do care packages that are designed to make chiropractic care more affordable. As each person’s needs are different our care packages are tailored to fit your recommendations.

Care packages work on the basis of achieving a discount when booking multiple visits in advance. As always how long you benefit from chiropractic care is up to you – our aim is to make your care as affordable as possible so you can save money.

Family Plans

Our aim at City Chiropractic Clinic is to actively help you and your family in taking responsibility for your health, wellness, and illness management. We assist and guide you to take the time to care for the important people in your world: you and your family.

In an effort to make living the wellness lifestyle as easy and affordable as possible, we have an affordable family plan that is available to you and your family. Speak to Ann or Jayne to find out more.