Our Stoke Chiros Advice For Supporting Your Spine Through the Festive Feasts

Our Stoke Chiros Advice For Supporting Your Spine Through the Festive Feasts

Our Stoke Chiros Advice For Supporting Your Spine Through the Festive Feasts

At our busy chiropractic clinic in Stoke, we’re passionate about helping our community stay healthy and pain-free all year round, especially during this delightful but demanding time of year.   The festive season is upon us, and for many, it’s a time of indulgent meals, laughter, and catching up with loved ones around the dining…

The Power of Chiropractic and Massage Therapy: A Complementary Approach to Pain Management

The Power of Chiropractic and Massage Therapy: A Complementary Approach to Pain Management

In today’s fast-paced world, many of us struggle with back pain, neck pain, headaches, or other musculoskeletal issues. The demands of daily life, whether from long hours at a desk, strenuous physical work, or the stress of juggling family and career, often take a toll on our bodies. At our busy chiropractic clinic in Stoke,…

Are Headaches Impacting Your Life Asks Our Stoke Chiropractor

Are Headaches Impacting Your Life Asks Our Stoke Chiropractor

Suffering from the occasional headache is not uncommon. However, for many people, their ongoing persistent headaches are severe and debilitating, which in turn seriously impacts the quality of their life. Many patients who visit our chiropractic clinic in Stoke, suffer from headaches. It is important to identify the underlying cause of the headaches to effectively…

back care advice for mothers from our Stoke chiropractors

Mums Don’t Put Up With Back Pain. Our Stoke Chiropractors Offer This Advice

With Mother’s Day being celebrated in March, our chiropractors at City Chiropractic in Stoke thought it was a good time to give a big shout out to Mums. Being a mother can be tough work, both physically and mentally. It can also take its toll on the back. That’s why out Stoke chiropractors want all…

10 Facts About Chiropractic You May Not Know

10 Facts About Chiropractic You May Not Know

In this post, our Stoke chiropractor shares some facts you may not know about chiropractic and may surprise you whether you have, or have not yet, experienced chiropractic care. Also, there are common misconceptions about chiropractic care that this post should clear up.   10 Facts You May Not Know About Chiropractic #1 – The…

chiropractic treatment

Do You Have To Live With Back Pain? Our Stoke Chiro Offers This Advice

Back pain is common. Studies have shown that 4 out 5 people will at some point in their life experience back pain. For many people, their back pain may be a short episode which gets better quickly. However, for others, back pain can last longer and have a debilitating impact on their lives. Many patients…

Our Stoke Chiropractor Offers Advice On Dealing With Inflammation

Our Stoke Chiropractor Offers Advice On Dealing With Inflammation

Our chiropractor clinic in Stoke on Trent often treats patients dealing with ailments that are related to inflammation, like bursitis and tendonitis. In many cases, the root cause of these conditions are from overuse of the joint during exercise or repetitive work-related tasks. One of the best strategies for dealing with these conditions is to…

5 Times You Should See a Chiropractor

5 Times You Should See a Chiropractor

It’s common for patients attending our chiropractic clinic in Stoke on Trent for the first time to have misconceptions about chiropractic care. One common misconception is that patients should only visit a chiropractor in Stoke on Trent when they are suffering from severe back pain. The truth is, there are several other occasions when seeking…

Unexpected Benefits Of Chiropractic Care

Unexpected Benefits Of Chiropractic Care

Most of the patients visiting our chiropractic clinic in Stoke on Trent do so to recover from an injury, eliminate back pain or improve their posture. They are surprised when they discover that their chiropractic treatment plan improves their health in other unexpected ways. In this post, I’ll share some of the unexpected benefits of chiropractic…