The Benefits Of Chiropractic Care As A Complement to Conventional Arthritis Treatment

chiropractic care and arthritis

The Benefits Of Chiropractic Care As A Complement to Conventional Arthritis Treatment

Arthritis, a condition characterised by joint inflammation, affects millions of individuals worldwide. While conventional treatments offer valuable relief, many people are seeking complementary approaches to enhance their quality of life. Our Stoke chiropractors at City Chiropractic Clinic are passionate about educating individuals on how chiropractic care can work in conjunction with conventional treatments to provide…

Visit Our Stoke Chiropractors To Show Your Back Some Love This February

Visit Our Stoke Chiropractors To Show Your Back Some Love This February

With Valentine’s Day falling on the 14th of the month, February is the often regarded as the month of love. While Valentine’s Day is dedicated to showing love and affection to others, our Stoke chiropractors believe it’s also a good time for some self-love. And nothing deserves love and attention more than your hard-working back…

Common Causes Of Back Pain That Our Stoke Chiropractors See

Common Causes Of Back Pain That Our Stoke Chiropractors See

Back pain is a common ailment that affects people of all ages. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including poor posture, injury, and disease. In this post, our Stoke chiropractor outlines the most common causes of back pain and what can be done to alleviate the pain.   Common Causes of Back…

Could You Benefit From Visiting Our Stoke Chiropractors?

Could You Benefit From Visiting Our Stoke Chiropractors?

Whilst chiropractors are well known for treating back pain, our chiropractors at City Chiropractic Clinic in Stoke treat a range of other conditions that affect the neck, head, shoulders, arms and legs. Many patients visiting our chiropractic clinic are in pain or discomfort and may well have been suffering for quite some time. However, you…

Keeping Your Back Healthy Whatever Your Age

Keeping Your Back Healthy Whatever Your Age

Every day at our busy chiropractic clinic in Stoke, our chiropractors see the impact that back pain has on the lives of their patients. These patients are of all ages, from the young to the more mature patient. Many of these patients are surprised to learn that their lifestyle is a contributary factor to the…

arthritis pain advice from our stoke chiropractor

Is Your Diet Worsening Your Arthritis Pain?

Arthritis can be painful and living with it can be difficult. There are many different types of arthritis with the two most common types being osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. It is not uncommon for patients suffering with arthritis to seek help from our Stoke chiropractors. While chiropractic cannot cure arthritis, chiropractic care can help improve…

Are Headaches Impacting Your Life Asks Our Stoke Chiropractor

Are Headaches Impacting Your Life Asks Our Stoke Chiropractor

Suffering from the occasional headache is not uncommon. However, for many people, their ongoing persistent headaches are severe and debilitating, which in turn seriously impacts the quality of their life. Many patients who visit our chiropractic clinic in Stoke, suffer from headaches. It is important to identify the underlying cause of the headaches to effectively…

Planning a Caravanning Or Motor Homing Getaway This Spring?

Planning a Caravanning Or Motor Homing Getaway This Spring?

There is no doubt that there has been an increase in the number of Brits deciding to spend their leisure time caravanning or motor homing. Not only is this a great way to visit places but it also is a great way to be out in nature, experiencing the outdoors and staying active. If you…