Back Safe Autumn Gardening Advice From Our Stoke Chiropractors

back safe gardening advice from out stoke chiropractors

Back Safe Autumn Gardening Advice From Our Stoke Chiropractors

Autumn is certainly hear. With shorter, cooler days and leaves falling. If you are a keen (or maybe not so keen) gardener there’s plenty to get done in the garden at this time of year. It’s not uncommon for gardening to be called ‘back breaking’ work and there’s a good reason for this. With all…

back safe gardening advice from our stoke chiro

Our Stoke Chiropractors Back Safe Gardening Advice

We are strong advocates of gardening at our chiropractic clinic in Stoke on Trent. Many of our patients love gardening as a hobby because it is relaxing, interesting, and a great way to stay fit. However, gardening can be physically demanding — particularly for people who haven’t been physically active over the winter months. That’s…

How To Garden Without Getting A Sore Back - Advice From Our Stoke Chiropractor

How To Garden Without Getting A Sore Back – Advice From Our Stoke Chiropractor

The Winter months may well be upon us, however, this doesn’t mean there are no gardening tasks to get done! Whilst time you spend in the garden can be beneficial to your overall health and wellbeing gardening can be taxing on the back whatever time of the year it is undertaken! Gardening involves a lot…