A Healthier 2019 Can Be Yours With Some Simple Changes

A Healthier 2019 Can Be Yours With Some Simple Changes

Have you set a New Year’s Resolution to be healthier in 2019? It can sound daunting to make this commitment, however, our chiropractors at our chiropractic clinic in Stoke on Trent have good news. It really doesn’t need to be. Making some simple changes to your lifestyle can make a big difference to your health.…

healthy living advice from our stoke on trent chiropractors

A Post Xmas Lunch Walk Could Do You A Power Of Good

Our chiropractors at City Chiropractic Clinic in Stoke on Trent are always looking to encourage people to take regular exercise. With Christmas looming we thought we’d get in early with something fun for you to add to your Christmas plans this year! We know that thinking about post Xmas lunch activities may not be high…

Fit In Some Exercise With A Walk To School

This week is Walk To School week and if you and your children are participating we congratulate you for taking up the challenge. Inactivity is gripping our nation and our health is suffering. As chiropractors in our busy clinic in Stoke on Trent we see this with a rise in the number of patients we…