Make A Healthier Back Your Resolution For 2022

Make A Healthier Back Your Resolution For 2022

Make A Healthier Back Your Resolution For 2022

If you haven’t already considered making a healthier back your resolution for 2022, it’s not too late. The health of your back is an important part of your overall health and wellness, so one way to ensure that you have the best possible year would be to invest some time into taking care of it.…

hydration advice from out Stoke chiropractor

Our Stoke Chiropractor Explains The Relationship Between Dehydration And Back Pain

Back pain can be caused by a variety of medical conditions, injuries, and lifestyle factors. In rarer cases, it can also be caused by nutritional deficiencies which make it difficult for the body to repair or maintain the components of the back. Among the patients who visit out chiropractic clinic in Stoke on Trent, the…

5 Exercises For Improving Core Strength

We often emphasise the importance of exercise to patients attending our chiropractic clinic in Stoke on Trent. That’s because exercise is the best way to help you develop a strong and resilient body which protects your spine and vital organs. Exercise is particularly useful for developing strong core muscles which provide your torso with additional…

winter spinal health advice from our stoke chiropractor

Warm Up Your Spine this Winter With Advice From Our Stoke Chiropractor

Winter in the United Kingdom is notoriously cold, dreary and wet. It can get very difficult to get out of bed in the morning, particularly if you often suffer from a sore back. Several of the patients who visit our chiropractic clinic in Stoke on Trent have recently mentioned that they have more problems with…