Don’t Let Winter Get To Your Back

winter back pain prevention advice from our stoke chiropractic clinic

Don’t Let Winter Get To Your Back

The temperatures are dropping, day light hours are getting shorter, and all things Christmas have hit our stores and shops. Winter is upon us. It’s not unusual for patients visiting our chiropractors in Stoke to tell them that they are experiencing more issues with their back, such as feeling more stiff, less mobile and more…

Make A Healthier Back Your Resolution For 2022

Make A Healthier Back Your Resolution For 2022

If you haven’t already considered making a healthier back your resolution for 2022, it’s not too late. The health of your back is an important part of your overall health and wellness, so one way to ensure that you have the best possible year would be to invest some time into taking care of it.…

Five Ways To Improve Your Posture In 2022

Five Ways To Improve Your Posture In 2022

Many patients who visit our chiropractors at City Chiropractic Clinic in Stoke are surprised to find that their posture is contributing to the condition that they are suffering from. “Posture affects and moderates every physiologic function from breathing to hormonal production. Spinal pain, headache, mood, blood pressure, pulse and lung capacity are among the functions…

A Healthier 2019 Can Be Yours With Some Simple Changes

Have you set a New Year’s Resolution to be healthier in 2019? It can sound daunting to make this commitment, however, our chiropractors at our chiropractic clinic in Stoke on Trent have good news. It really doesn’t need to be. Making some simple changes to your lifestyle can make a big difference to your health.…

Don’t Let The Christmas Decorations Get To Your Back

The countdown is on for Christmas! Many of us will be planning to get those Christmas decorations up (if they’re not already up!) in the coming weeks. It does feel like this activity starts earlier each year! Whilst for many getting up the decorations is a fun activity our chiropractors want to remind everyone that…

Gain Knowledge and Gain Power Over Your Back Health

Your spine is simply amazing. It holds you securely upright, while providing you with incredible flexibility that allows you to dance, lift your baby and do an infinite number of wonderful things that we all take for granted. But back pain is a common problem that affects about 80% of the population at one point…

National Fishing Month: Keep Your Back Safe!

National fishing month (22nd July to 29th August to be precise) will see keen fishermen and women take to the cool summer waters in the stern efforts to make those champion catches. But according to our Stoke on Trent chiropractor, the seemingly soothing sport may not be as gentle on the body as impressions would…