Seven Tips To Help Avoid Slips, Trips And Falls Outdoors This Winter

Seven Tips To Help Avoid Slips, Trips And Falls Outdoors This Winter

Seven Tips To Help Avoid Slips, Trips And Falls Outdoors This Winter

Wintertime under foot can be quite treacherous and can result in increased number if slips, trips and falls. While snow and ice are obvious hazards, wet paths and fallen leaves can be equally slippery. Being extra vigilant at this time of the year to avoid slips, trips and falls is advisable. However, this year with…

winter spinal health advice from our stoke chiropractor

Warm Up Your Spine this Winter With Advice From Our Stoke Chiropractor

Winter in the United Kingdom is notoriously cold, dreary and wet. It can get very difficult to get out of bed in the morning, particularly if you often suffer from a sore back. Several of the patients who visit our chiropractic clinic in Stoke on Trent have recently mentioned that they have more problems with…