Has Working From Home Become A Pain In The Neck Asks Our Stoke Chiropractor

neck pain advice from our Stoke chiropractor

Has Working From Home Become A Pain In The Neck Asks Our Stoke Chiropractor

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many people to work from home. For many, working from home has been a positive change, as it has allowed us to spend more time with our family and eliminate the daily commute. However, there can also be some negative changes associated with working from home. One of those detrimental…

back pain

Our Stoke Chiropractor Offers This Advice For Keeping Your Back Safe While Working Form Home

The rapid spread of the coronavirus COVID-19 has forced the temporary closure of many businesses across the United Kingdom. While many workers have been placed on leave, others have the opportunity to continue working from home. While working from home can be quite enjoyable, it’s important to understand that there are also some potential downsides.…