The temperatures are dropping and windows and doors are staying shut. That means one thing: viruses can thrive! If your immune system isn’t up to scratch, you could be at risk of catching the latest winter bugs to hit town. So here are some handy little health tips from our Stoke on Trent chiropractor to help you stay germ-free this season:
1: Stock up on Pens
Really? Yes! Hand-to-hand contact is one of the easiest ways to catch germs, so having your own little supply of pens and other office equipment will help you to dodge the lurgy!
2: Set Yourself a Challenge
Pushing yourself out of your comfort zone can work to your advantage. When we’re in hyper alert, our bodies guard themselves from danger – whether that’s a predator or a virus!
3: Move More
Getting active is one of the easiest ways you can boost your immune system. Even walking the school run instead of driving can go a long way to improving your health.
Here’s to good health this winter!